Des Moines Farmers' Market, across from
Java Joe's
L to R: zeljanica (spinach pita) and sarma (stuffed cabbage rolls) |
My technique for eating zeljanica to go (patent pending). It lasted me about a block |
I got out of the house bright and early to beat the crowds/heat to the market and hit up a longtime favorite of mine: Papillon, run by the folks who cook at Euro Café in Urbandale and a soon-to-open outpost in the 700 Locust Food Court (!!). On tap for today, two of my Saturday breakfast favorites: sarma (cabbage stuffed with ground beef and rice; served with bread and ajvar (red pepper sauce) in a pepper/tomato broth) and zeljanica (spinach pita with cottage and mozzarella cheese). Delicious and filling!
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